Jobchain AMA Recap Together with Jose Bay— Chief Executive Officer

CryptoChain PH
7 min readApr 21, 2021


The AMA Session had 3 Segments:

  • Introduction / Questions from The CryptoChainPh Team
  • Questions from Twitter
  • Live AMA

Segement 1: Introduction / Questions from The CryptoChainPh Team

Okay, let's start!

The first segment will be the questions from CCPH Team.

Then followed by Twitter and Live Questions from Telegram.

Can you please introduce yourself to the community and kindly give us an introduction about JobChain?

Jose Bay:
My name is Jose Bay, CEO of Jobchain.
My past experience has been completely focus on cybersecurity for nuclear facilities at the International Atomic Energy Agency. In 2019 I founded Jobchain.

Jobchain is a platform an a ecosystem that allows anybody to find jobs and get their salary in cryptocurrency.

It consists of a cryptocurrency wallet and a labor market place where users can receive a salary any time anywhere.

Also, it comes with our own cryptocurrency, JOB. It´s been the fastest growing digital asset in the world in 2020. It provides remarkable amount of benefits to its holders as cashback in salary, in shops, free suscriptions etc.

Nice. A place where you can find a job in crypto space. ❤️

How did you get the idea of establishing JobChain?

Jose Bay:
Yes! Any type of JOB

The idea of Jobchain was born during my past experience travelling around the world for my duties.

We realize that in manh countries in the world they don´t have access to bank accounts and in consequence, they can´t even have a salary.

Right now, still 1700 Million people in the world don´t have access to bank accounts.

Our aim is to provide a solution that could serve everyone

Good initiative. 👍

Can you explain to us the JobChain Recruitment System?

Jose Bay:
Yes, it´s very simple.

Users register in the platform and they pass KYC/AML5

Then once they join the platform they will have access to a cryptocurrency wallet and also they have access to the labor market

Users can look for any type of profile in the jobchain platform, then they will send and offer, select the payment currency, number of hours and once the employee aprove it the transaction is completed

Do you have job applications open right now? How can our community members apply?

Jose Bay:
Right now we don´t have any job applications right now

We will have applications once the app is released.

Can you share us your TOKENOMICS? What are the usecases of $JOB?

Jose Bay:
Yes. JOBs is a limited supply cryptocurrency. Holders of JOBs will have the following benefits.
1. Cashback in salaries to up to 10%
2. Cashback in online shop up to 10%
3. Free subscriptions to Netflix, Spotify, etc.
4. Reduction of fees when using the platform.

The business model is simple. Users pay a small commission everytime they exchange cryptocurrency or they settle a job contract. All this commisions over time will be automatically redirected to the JOBs market, creating a big demand for JOBs

Last question. What achievements has JobChain achieved so far? Can you share us your roadmap for this year?

Jose Bay:
1. Jobchain has been approved as trademark in more that 80 countries worldwide including Philippines.
2. Jobchain has won a international contest of blockchain companies
3. Jobchain (JOB) has been listed in more that 25 exchanges worldwide including Bittrex, Digifinex, etc.
4. Jobchain has partnered with international organizations to enable payments of salary worldwide (under NDA)

For this quarter we have:
1. Listing of well-known top cryptocurrency exchanges.
2. Release of the platform (Web, iOs, Android, dWeb)
3. Announcement of big partnerships


Thanks. We will now move forward to the Twitter Questions.

Jose Bay:
One more thing... know football players will accept JOBs as payment for salaries this year...

Segment 2: Questions from Twitter

Twitter Questions
Question #1 from @VNur7238 - I could not see any information about your team on your website. You probably preferred your team to be anonymous. Is there a valid reason for your preference in an environment of increasing suspicion of anonymous teams?

Jose Bay:
Hello, please check in We have updated our profiles already the website and we are public!

Question #2 from @ChrisChriscraw - As an individual user ,In what ways can I contribute to the development of Jobchain? Do you have Ambassador programs and what are its benefits?

Jose Bay:
The best way you can contribute is to support and help us to grow the community worldwide. We will have ambassador programs coming this week where users will receive monthly JOBs for being our embassadors. Interested users can contact

Question #3 from @EKasapidi - How do you work to Expand the community and become more Popular to Crypto World? What are you planning in Jobchain with the other DeFi ecosystems? Do you plan to have Technological Alliances or be one more competition?

Jose Bay:
Yes. We are opening the global marketing campaing across many countries worldwide. We are have very strong technological alliances to be announce in the following weeks. You´ll be surprised!

Question #4 from @Abmahmuddd - How do you plan to show the world that your product is not just useless blockchain solution to a non-existing problem?

Jose Bay:
It´s more than obvious that there is an existing problem for almost 1700 M to even get a salary or pay for goods, specially in countries where their currency is not trust worthy. Also, corporations have to pay for almost everysingle transaction abroad. Our solution saves them 99,9% of fees in transactions worldwide.

Question #5 from @lehien2667 - Are you working with social media influencers because it is important for a Project to reach new users?

Jose Bay:
Yes, we are working with a number of social media influencers to expand globally our visibility. Soon you will see the results!

Thank you for answering all the questions. 👍👍

This is the most exciting part of our AMA, the questions form the community!!

Segment 3: Live AMA

From Hamilon:
Ultimately, why should we trust and follow you and your project? How do you raise awareness and resolve investor / partner / client doubts?

Jose Bay:
We are a group of international experts with previous experience in International Organizations like United Nations, IAEA, OSCE, etc. We are completely commited to the community to be as transparent as any other crypto company has been before. In this regard, early investors will have remarkable benefits and will soon witness our commitment to the project by giving you a world-class product.

From Hamilon:
Tell us a little bit about your security? Have you done an audit of the platform? Are the smart contracts error-free? What are the test results?

Jose Bay:
Yes. JOB token has been audited by Certik, obtaining a 98% security score. The smart contract is error fee and the funds are stored via a multi-signature wallet to avoid any security breach. Also, we are in process of:
1. Obtaining ISO Certification
2. Obtaining PSD license
3. Banking License

All this provide a extensive view on how things are done in our corporation.

From Crypto_Boss_2021:
Do you have any plan for building Nfts into your eco system because that is the hottest topic on crypto space?

Jose Bay:
Definitely, we are creating a 3D Museum for NFTs developed by a top notch virtual reality company. Soon it will be published in the web and you´ll be able to enjoy the benefits and purchase your preferred NFT.

From Andra Man:
Are you only looking for bigger investors?? Or Opportunity for the smaller investors also?What is Main reason everyone should buy your token? How many offers are there from this token?And What are the benefits of holding this token?

Jose Bay:
We are looking for the support of the community to may this project bigger. We are commited to give our token holders top notch benefits that will be announced in the following weeks in our official website Among those we will have:
1. Cashback in salaries up to 10%
2. Cashback in online shops up to 10%
3. Free subscriptions
4. Reduce commissions when using the platform etc.

From Josheph Zain:
What strategy will you implement to bring non-crypto-natives into your ecosystem? How do you keep a balance between developing the technology and also improving the value of your token?

Jose Bay:
We are implementing the easiest way to buy/sell crypto and to hire people within the entire ecosystem. -Our user interface will speak by itself and we will certainly not dissapoint to the non-experts in crypto. It will be as easy as it never has been.

About Jobchain

Jobchain is a platform an a ecosystem that allows anybody to find jobs and get their salary in cryptocurrency

It consists of a cryptocurrency wallet and a labor market place where users can receive a salary any time anywhere.

Also, it comes with our own cryptocurrency, JOB. It´s been the fastest growing digital asset in the world in 2020. It provides remarkable amount of benefits to its holders as cashback in salary, in shops, free suscriptions etc.

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