Yield Guild Games AMA Recap Together with Gabby Dizon — Co-Founder

CryptoChain PH
7 min readJun 24, 2021


The AMA Session had 3 Segments:

  • Introduction / Questions from The CryptoChainPh Team
  • Questions from Twitter
  • Live AMA

Segment 1: Introduction / Questions from The CryptoChainPh Team

Our guest today is @gabbydizon from Yield Guild Games.

Gabby Dizon:
Hello everyone!

Thanks for having me 😊

Let's start!

Can you please introduce yourself to the community and kindly give us an introduction about Yield Guild Games?

Gabby Dizon:
Sure. My name is Gabby Dizon, co-founder of Yield Guild Games or YGG. I've been in the game industry since 2003 (made the first game to come out of the Philippines) and been in Crypto since late 2017.

We were researching crypto and smart contracts when CryptoKitties came out in late 2017 and broke the Ethereum network, and I've been in love with NFTs ever since.

We started Yield Guild Games in November 2020 because of this new movement called "play-to-earn". Many people in the Philippines are earning a decent income from playing games such as Axie Infinity and earning the SLP token, and selling it for Philippine Pesos.

However, buying an Axie team is expensive (P40-50k), so we are providing what is called a scholarship program - lending out Axie teams to people who want to earn money in exchange for revenue share in SLP.

This has proven very successful and there are now tens of thousands of Axie players in the Philippines, and YGG itself has 2000 Axie scholars earning between P15-25k per month.

What is the role of Axie Infinity in your project? And other NFT Games?

Gabby Dizon:
Axie is the most important game we have at YGG. We've invested in over 6 thousand Axies and more than P5M worth of land so that our scholars will be able to play the game and earn money.

Apart from Axie, we have invested in NFTs in games such as Formula 1 Delta Time, The Sandbox, Splinterlands, Illuvium, and more.

How many scholars do you have in your guild?

Gabby Dizon:
Right now we have 2000 scholars from Philippines, Indonesia, India, Venezuela, Brazil, and more.

Whoa?!! That's a lot!

Are you accepting more scholars?

Gabby Dizon:
Yes, but there is a long wait list so right now onboarding is a bit slow. We're working to improve our system and invest in breeding more Axies so that we can accept as many scholars as possible.

Our goal is to get to at least 10k scholars by end of 2021.

Can you give us more details about your upcoming token sale?

Gabby Dizon:
Yesterday we announce our upcoming token sale via IDO on the SushiSwap MISO platform on July 27. Stay, tuned, we're currently finalizing the mechanics of the sale and will be giving more details in a blog post soon.

Can you share us your TOKENOMICS? What are the usecases of your tokens?

Gabby Dizon:
YGG is an index token of all our productive assets in the Metaverse. That means owning the YGG token will give you partial ownership of the NFTs that we invest in games such as Axie, F1 Delta Time and all other games.

What achievements has YGG achieved so far? Can you share us your roadmap for this year?

Gabby Dizon:
YGG is also a governance token, meaning our token holders will be part of a DAO that can vote on the future of the guild.

Achievements so far:

Over 17k guild members in Discord with 2000 scholars

Over 17M SLP earned (over P100M Pesos or $2M)

Raised over $5M of institutional capital from top VCs such as Delphi Digital, Gumi Cryptos, BITKRAFT, etc

Most importantly, we have changed thousands of lives of our fellow Filipinos and other people around the world for the better.

Segment 2: Twitter Questions


Question #1 from @clyde44215768 - What do you think will be the future of metaverse in the coming years? Do you think there will come a time that famous games like ML, COD and Dota 2 will adopt the play to earn model?

Gabby Dizon:
Very good question!

I believe in the future of the Metaverse - as Ready Player One has shown, in the future games will be linked together and interoperable and I believe this will come from NFT and blockchain games.

Over time, all games with an economic and trading component will have NFTs and be interconnected in the Metaverse.

Question#2 from @twetttyy - Yield Guild Games have its own token which is YGG so aside from buying the token does the organization would offer staking or any activities which would give rewards to token holders?

Gabby Dizon:
Yes - part of our roadmap is staking vaults that will allow token holders to stake their tokens against activities in specific games (like Axie Infinity) and receive a portion of the revenues of each vault in YGG token rewards.

Question #3 from @PotchiRiego - ♦️What is your strategy for building a strong community and Do you agree that the power of the community will lead your project to develop globally?

Gabby Dizon:
All our games are led by community members, such as Kookoo and Shanks in Axie, Svemirac in F1DT, AlohaTim in Zed Run, etc. We empower communities around the world to earn money via play-to-earn, and our community members are in charge of running each game.

Question #4 from @alexhuk7 -What are the plans to educate and raise, awareness, and adoption among the community, to make more people understand about the project easily?

Gabby Dizon:
YGG is a very community driven project. Most of our players are gamers, not crypto investors. We are doing mass onboarding of players into the crypto economy via play-to-earn games such as Axie. We believe that we are the best project in the world for onboarding normal people into the crypto and NFT space.

Question #5 from @kaizher2121 - I've been looking for other blockchain games that has some play to earn mechanics. As an advocate of Play-To-Earn what is the #2 play to earn blockchain game right now next to Axie Infinity?

Gabby Dizon:
Our community is playing different games such as - League of Kingdoms, F1 Delta Time, Splinterlands and more. You can check our Discord channel to learn more about these games.

Segment 3: Live AMA

From Kimh2k:
What does your partnership with delphi digitial can help your project?

Gabby Dizon:
Delphi Digital is the #1 research firm and crypto and designed the highly successful AXS token of Axie Infinity. They led our seed round as an investor and also designed the YGG tokenomics.

From Al Mamun:
What are your plans to increase awareness and adoption of the project? What will you do where english is not spoken?

Gabby Dizon:
We are in many areas where English is not the primary language, such as Philippines, Indonesia, and Brazil. We rely on local community leaders to help translate our content and provide support to our community.

From Di Di:
What is your strategy for building a strong community? Do you agree that the power of the community will lead your project to develop globally? What services do you provide to the community?

Gabby Dizon:
We already have one of the strongest communities in all of crypto. Our scholarship managers are community managers that help onboard new people into YGG via our scholarship program. All our game leads come from the community.

From Bablu Tt:
Does your project support staking program?if yes. how is your stake system work, what is the requirement for user if they want to stake in your platform?

Gabby Dizon:
Staking is part of the roadmap and will be available in the near future, after token launch.

From Kim Anh:
How do you plan to show the world that your product is not just useless blockchain solution to a non-existing problem?

Gabby Dizon:
We are already solving real world problems by allowing people to earn an income by playing games such as Axie Infinity with zero money upfront. Not too many projects can claim to solve the problems of real world users who don’t have a lot of money.

About YGG

Yield Guild Games (YGG) is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) for investing in
non fungible tokens (NFTs) used in virtual worlds and blockchain-based games. The
organisation’s mission is to create the biggest virtual world economy, optimizing its community-owned assets for maximum utility and sharing its profits with its token holders.

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